Posts Tagged ‘Zynq’

Building U-Boot PicoZed

January 2, 2018 by Hamish Laird

Recently I needed to build U-Boot for the Picozed.  Mainly because we needed to get our control platform running on another Picozed variant but also to de-risk part of our process. For those of you that don’t know the control platform (called the Fyfe) is made from our IP blocks is in the Zynq fabric […]

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Free Webinar on Digital Power using Zynq

July 3, 2016 by Hamish Laird

On Tuesday 12thJuly, we would like to offer you the opportunity to learn about Digital Power using Xilinx Zynq SoC. Join ELMG Digital Power (Members of the Xilinx Alliance Program) for their Free Zynq Digital Power Webinar and expand your knowledge and expertise by discovering: What is important in digital power, including numeric precision and latency […]

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Zynq System on Chip Asymmetric Multiprocessing AMP

August 29, 2015 by Hamish Laird

If you are following the Zynq pathway for your new control platform for power electronics or another application then welcome to the Xilinx Zynq SoC adventure.  The Zynq definitely is a great choice and has the benefits of being both a processor and an FPGA at the same time. We have had Zynq SoCs at ELMG Digital Power for […]

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