Archive for the ‘Texas Instruments’ Category

Ti have put their white papers all in one place

November 18, 2016 by Hamish Laird

Thanks to Ti who has put Texas Instruments Power Electronics White Papers all in one place. These are really useful educational and instructional materials. If you are a Lloyd Dixon or Laszlo Balogh fan then this is for you. Get their white papers here. You need a Ti user name, password and login to […]

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Fixed Point Numerical Systems for Digital Control

August 29, 2015 by Tim King

One question which is commonly asked is “how do I represent fractional numbers on my fixed-point MCU, DSP or FPGA?” One of the best solutions to this is use of the Q number system. The Q number system is a fixed point system where the available bits are divided amongst the integer bits (those to […]

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