Archive for the ‘Control Processor’ Category

Precision Correction for Digital PWM

August 30, 2019 by Hamish Laird

Precision Correction in Digital PWM Modulators – Free Webinar Get the best digital PWM modulator performance. Register here Tuesday October 1 at 12 noon PDT (3pm EDT) Register here Digital Modulators have precision limits that arise from the limited timer clock rate of microprocessors and digital signal processors.  Possible effects on the control of the […]

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On the course do you address the issues that occur in digital control teams between software engineers and power electronics hardware engineers

August 2, 2016 by Hamish Laird

How do hardware and software engineers talk to each other? This is the extract from a recent conversation on LinkedIn between power electronics engineers of all different flavors.  It sums up beautifully the issues between hardware and software engineers in digital power electronics control developments. (Names shortened to protect the innocent.) D. H. ‘Y. & […]

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APEC Presentation Slide Correction for b1 Coefficient

July 20, 2016 by Hamish Laird

At APEC this year we presented High Performance Digital Control of Power Electronics.  We then made the slides available and repeated the presentation as two webinars. Click here to download the slides if you do not have them already Thanks Thanks to some good attention by a person who worked through the controller example, […]

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